Hearts for Horses Hay Campaign
Greetings to all our Human Stable Hands Friends,
We, the Mighty Minis, are working to fill the hayloft for the entire Stable Hands Herd!
Please join our Hearts for Horses hay campaign!
The Stable Hands Herd consumes 9-10 bales of high quality hay each day. Filling the loft becomes a significant recurring cost each year to keep our Herd well fed and healthy.
Our goal is to raise $15,000 now to take advantage of first crop prices and purchase enough hay to get the entire herd through the year. With your help, we know we are mighty enough to do it!
For every donation of $20 to the Heart for Horses campaign, a heart with your name on it will be hung in the barn.
If we succeed in reaching our goal by the end of September, Stable Hands will host a celebration so that we can thank you in person!
We urge you to spread the word, make a donation, and encourage your horse-loving friends to do so too!
Every contribution means a great deal!!!! Hay is a crucial element of every horse’s diet. It is our most valuable and expensive “grocery.”
Thank you for your Hearts and Help!
Bella, Arlo, Jeannie, Pixie, Oreo, Tango and Leon
Stable Hands Mighty Minis