About Us

Our Organization

Stable Hands, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation founded in 1992 and is a member of PATH Intl. (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International). PATH Intl. leads in the advancement of equine assisted services. It serves as the credentialing organization for accrediting centers as well as certifying instructors and equine specialists internationally. As a member center, Stable Hands follows rigorously developed standardized policies and procedures that ensure the safety, management, education, and accountability of all programs offered at the facility.


Stable Hands’ mission is to enhance the quality of life for individuals through the use of equine-assisted activities and therapies.


We seek to improve each person’s physical, emotional and cognitive development with caring, compassion and a plan to make a difference.

Our Values

Quality – We are committed to the highest level of quality throughout our programs, in our care for horses and in our interaction with participants, volunteers, donors and other members of the community. We continue to seek out knowledge and use the latest teaching techniques to help our participants learn and grow.

Teamwork – Our trained and certified facilitators, qualified staff and commi1ed volunteers work together to create an inclusive environment providing the op mal experience for participants. Our employees and our volunteers are our driving force, and without them, what we do would not be possible.

Serving the Community – We strive to effectively serve and meet the needs of our local community and to be an active and valued community participant.